Agent Carter Season Two

Who else is an Agent Carter fan? If you like Marvel and comics and awesome badass ladies then you should love it. I do. Peggy first graced our screens in Captain America: The First Avenger and has since become an integral and beloved member of the MCU. When the show was announced so very long ago I was unbelievably excited. Peggy was one of the best parts about the first Captain America and having her own show? She would kill it. And she did.

The first season was astounding. Peggy was definitely making her way in a misogynistic and difficult career where she wasn’t appreciated for the amazing creature she is. UNTIL SHE PRETTY MUCH SINGLE HANDEDLY SAVED THE FREAKING WORLD!! She did have the most amazing help though. Edwin Jarvis is my absolute favourite person. I think the relationship he and Peggy have is so lovely and in no way tinged with any romantic feelings because he is so smitten with his wife and I love their love and Jarvis’ love for Peggy too. I love them. Anyway, season 1 finished on a bit of a cliffhanger. Doctor  Ivchen Ivchenko has been put in jail – huzzah for Peggy – with a cellmate… Doctor Zola. Who’s cockamamy idea was that? Dotty, another kickass awesome female has gone but we know, from Peggy’s estimations -and Peggy is always right – that she will return. And she does. Season 2 kicks off in an amazing way. I love this show.

Season 2 starts with Peggy fighting and capturing “Dotty Underwood” in a bank where she was trying to steal a pin… this pin: Council_Pin

But we don’t know why. We don’t know what it means or who gave Dotty the task of stealing it, if she wasn’t acting on her own volition of course. Awesome takedown later, Agent Thompson, now Chief Thompson, sends Peggy to LA to see Sousa! Mainly because he’s an arse but Daniel does need help.

I don’t want to reveal the intricacies of the season because I don’t want to ruin anything for people who are watching it or are yet to watch it, but I will mention the end of two so don’t read on from here if you want to find out what happens for yourself…

OK, how did season 2 end? For the most part it was all good. Peggy and the gang got the zero matter out of Whitney Frost and she was sent to an insane asylum, Jason got a job at Stark Industries with Howard, Jarvis and Peggy are bestest pals, Peggy and Ana Jarvis are OK, AND DANIEL AND PEGGY ARE TOGETHER AND I AM SO PLEASED!! I obviously still ship her with Steve and I don’t know if Daniel was part of the 107th because in TWS she said she married someone from the 107th. Anyway, they’re together and I am so pleased because Peggy deserves to be happy and she doesn’t care about Sousa’s leg. But then WHY!! Why did Thompson have to get shot? I was just starting to really like him and now he’s dead! He’s dead! I was not pleased… not at all. So anyway, perturbed. The worst thing was, however, that it was still uncertain whether or not Agent Carter would get renewed for a third season. I am desperate for more Agent Carter. Mainly because of Jarvis as I love him so much but I just want more. How can there only be ten episodes? How is that fair? Anyway, as far as I know, there is going to be a season 3 and I am so pleased. It is a phenomenal show that everyone should watch. Peggy is the greatest and I love her.

What do you guys think of the finale? Did it bother you that Thompson was shot?

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